Overview of Projects 3 and 4

This is the post for the January 5, 2015 class meeting.

Today we will go over the assignments for Project 3 and Project 4, which are related to each other.

Readings for January 5

There are a lot of readings listed because I am posting everything for Project 3 and Project 4. The information should help you make decisions about how to proceed with the next two projects. For today’s session, please read the following:

Work for January 5

  • Complete the Reading Quizzes on Chapters 10 and 11 by 11:55 PM on Tuesday, 01/06.

  • Begin work on Project 3. Take time now to explore the various resources on job application materials listed in the readings so that you can make an informed decision about what you will propose.

  • If you have any questions about the assignments, go to the forums and post them in the Questions about Projects 3 & 4: Job App Materials forum. Please indicate whether your question is about the proposal or about the job application materials themselves in your subject line.


Peer Review and Submission for Project 2

This is the post for the January 2, 2015 class meeting.

Today you will complete peer review for the second project and then submit your work by the end of the day. Remember that you have a 24-hour grace period if you need an extension.

Readings for January 2

For today’s session, please review the following, as necessary:

Work for January 2


Overview of Project 2: Analysis of Your Field

This is the post for the December 31, 2014 class meeting.

Many of you have already turned in your first project. If you are taking advantage of the grace period, you should have your work in my 11:55 PM tonight, December 31. Today we move on to Project 2, which is due Friday night at 11:55 PM.

Readings for December 31

For today’s session, please read the following:

Work for December 31

  • Get started on your second project.
    • Think of your audience for this project as yourself, and your purpose is to learn about the characteristics of the kinds of writing you will typically do in the workplace. A year from now, if you were in the workplace, you should be able to come back to this analysis to remind yourself of the features to include in whatever you are writing.
    • Don’t panic if you find that you have an empty slot on your spreadsheet. If one of the columns is irrelevant for one of the documents you have listed, that is okay.
    • Likewise, if you cannot find an example of the document online to link to, that’s okay too.
    • Remember however that you need to account for those empty spaces in your reflection memo when you submit your project.
  • Go to Tests & Quizzes in Scholar, and complete the reading quizzes on Chapter 7 and Chapter 9 of Markel by 11:55 PM on Friday, January 2. See the policies for quizzes on the course logistics page, and see the Announcements in Scholar for details in the change of due dates for this first week of classes.

Optional: Discussing the Example Memos

The example memos included on on the Project 2 assignment page were written by students who were analyzing a piece of technical writing in their field using the six characteristics of technical writing that are explained in Markel, Chapter 1. If you are aiming for an A, these memos are similar to what you need to write.

If you are aiming for an A on Project 2, this activity will help you with your writing:

  1. Read through the Example Analysis Memos. You don’t have to read every word, but look at them well enough to get a sense of how they work, what they do well, and what they could improve on.

  2. Go to the Discussion of Example Memos topic in the forums and weigh in on which of the examples seemed more effective. You can quote someone else’s post or just start in on your own ideas. You will find some guiding questions in the forum post.


Peer Review and Submission for Project 1

This is the post for the December 30, 2014 class meeting.

Today you will complete peer review for the first project and then submit your work by the end of the day. Remember that you have a 24-hour grace period if you need an extension.

Readings for December 30

For today’s session, please read the following:

Work for December 30


To get to know your classmates a bit better, read through the remaining bio statements that are posted. If you notice anything you want to comment on, feel free to post additional replies.


Audience and Purpose

Readings for December 29

For today’s session, please read the following:

Work for December 29

Today is about making sure you understand the course policies, getting set up, and generally touching base with one another. If you have technical difficulty with today’s class work, don’t panic! Send me an email at tengrrl at vt.edu and let me know what you need help with.

Please complete these tasks:

  • If you have not registered on the forums, follow the instructions in the 12/27 post to do so by 11:55 PM Monday. Be sure to verify that you have read the syllabus as well. I will turn off open forum registration at midnight to lock out the spambots, so make sure you get registered today.

  • Go to Tests & Quizzes in Scholar, and complete the reading quizzes on Chapter 4 and Chapter 6 of Markel by 11:55 PM on Friday, January 2. See the policies for quizzes on the course logistics page, and see the Announcements in Scholar for details in the change of due dates for this first week of classes. The syllabus mentions a syllabus quiz. We’re going to skip that for now.

  • Review and analyze some example bio statements in the forums. If you have any questions (today or in the future) about the first assignment, go to the Questions about Project 1 topic in the forum and add them. You can skim through this topic for answers as well.



Intro to Technical Writing

This is the post for the December 27, 2014 class meeting.

This site is the official home for our Winter 2015 course (CRNs #40079). Information on all assignments, daily activities, and related resources will be posted here. Check this site regularly for the details on what to do for the course.

Readings for December 27

For today’s session, please read the following:

Work for December 27

Today is about making sure you understand the course policies, getting set up, and generally touching base with one another. If you have technical difficulty with today’s class work, don’t panic! Send me an email at tengrrl at vt.edu and let me know what you need help with.

Please complete these tasks:

  • Complete the following on the forums:
    1. Register on the forums. Be sure to choose the discussion area for Technical Writing for Winter 2015.
    2. Please choose a professional, classroom-appropriate username. This is a public site, so realize that the name you choose will be publicly available. If you do not want to use your real name on a public forum (for instance, because you are in the witness protection program), use a pseudonym, and email me to tell me that pseudonym and your real name.
    3. Go to the Syllabus board and add a reply to the “Syllabus Verification Thread” that confirms you have read the syllabus. Your post will serve as confirmation that you are enrolled in the course.
    4. If you have any questions about the syllabus, course policies, or anything related to the class, create a new topic and ask your question.
  • Get familiar with your Google Drive account, which is connected to your vt.edu email address. (If you have forgotten your password for your VT Google Apps account, follow these instructions.) If you have never used Google Drive before, you can learn more by watching relevant portions of Google Drive Essential Training with Jess Stratton. (Login required; lynda.com resources are free to VT students.)

  • Go to Tests & Quizzes in Scholar, and complete the reading quizzes on Chapter 1 and Chapter 3 of Markel by 11:55 PM on Monday, December 29. See the policies for quizzes on the course logistics page.

  • Get started on Project 1 by reviewing advice on writing bio statements and discussing what you found in the forums. If you have any questions (today or in the future) about the first assignment, go to the Questions about Project 1 topic in the forum and add them. You can skim through this topic for answers as well.


Welcome to English 3764 for Winter 2015

Welcome to the Winter 2015 session of Technical Writing. The course begins on Saturday, December 27, 2014, and you need to have the book and be ready to begin work that day. 

The winter session of this course is intense. We only have three weeks to cover a lot of material. Essentially, the work that students do in a week during the Fall and Spring terms, we need to do in a day during the Winter term. We will be busy, with work and readings due for every day of the course.

To prepare for the course, please do these things:

1. Buy the book immediately. If you want the physical copy, you need to order it today so that you have it when the course starts. The ebook version is fine as well.

2. Go ahead and check out the syllabus, if you like. 

3. Note that I am still working on the course website. I will send another announcement when all the assignments and other materials are ready.